Blue Tent: Building Progressive Power and Winning Elections in the South: Options for Donors
Check out Way to Win in the article below!
Blue Tent – June 1, 2022
By Staff
According to an analysis by Way to Win, grassroots organizing in the South had a significant impact on voter turnout in 2020. For example, Texas Organizing Project reached 126,000 voters (whose participation was confirmed by the voter files), 13,700 of whom were first-time voters; the New Georgia Project reached 150,000 voters, 28,000 of whom were first-time voters; and the group Florida for All reached a 550,000 eventual voters, 40,400 of whom were first-time voters. Other groups in these same states and elsewhere, such as North Carolina and Virginia, also contacted and helped turn out tens of thousands of voters—including many who were not targeted by the Biden campaign.
Way to Win’s analysis also found that there is the potential to mobilize many more base Democratic voters in key swing states, including nearly 9 million voters in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.
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