Vox: What America’s politicians get wrong about young voters
Check out Way to Win in the article below!
Vox – December 20, 2022
By Christian Paz
It’s also true that young people are simply not Democrats’ primary targets of voter mobilization efforts, campaign spending, and politicians’ stump speeches. Jenifer Fernandez Ancona, the co-founder and vice president of the progressive political organization Way to Win, told me that she thinks a better way for Democratic strategists, politicians, and donors to think about engaging young people is through “mobi-suasion” – that is, making people aware of Democrats’ victories and priorities and using those as a reason for young people to trust them. “What that does is it doesn’t assume that just because someone is under 35, or someone is black, or someone is a woman, that they’re going to vote for Democrats. You just can’t tell them where to vote and how to vote, we actually need to tell people why it’s important to vote. We need to make an argument.”
For example, in Way to Win’s 2022 research and focus groups, Fernandez Ancona said that young voters could not name signature Democratic accomplishments from the first half of Biden’s presidency beyond his promise to cancel up to $20,000 in student loans.
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